On-Campus Faculty Directory
Faculty may be reached at the listed phone numbers. All area codes are (352) unless indicated.
Name | Title | Specialization | Phone Number | |
Balmant,Kelly | Assistant Professor | Bioinformatics and Transformation | 294-7546 | balmant@ufl.edu |
Basset, Gilles J. | Associate Professor | Biochemical Genetics | 273-4808 | gbasset@ufl.edu |
Boehlein, Susan | Research Assistant Professor | Biochemical Genetics | 392-3991 | sboehlei@ufl.edu |
Baysal, Can | Assistant Professor | Virus-Mediated Genome Engineering | 273-4354 | can.baysal@ufl.edu |
Brecht, Jeffrey K. | Professor Extension Specialist |
Postharvest Biology | 273-4778 | jkbrecht@ufl.edu |
Chaparro, Jose X. | Associate Professor | Breeding Genetics |
562-3076 | jaguey58@ufl.edu |
Chase, Carlene A. | Associate Professor | Weed Science | 273-4770 | cachase@ufl.edu |
Dittmar, Peter J. | Associate Professor Extension Specialist |
Weed Science | 273-4771 | pdittmar@ufl.edu |
Febres, Vincente | Research Assistant Scientist | Breeding Genetics |
273-4799 | vjf@ufl.edu |
Ferl, Robert J. | Distinguished Professor, Assistant Vice President for Research |
Molecular Genetics | 273-4835 | robferl@ufl.edu |
Ferrão, Felipe | Research Assistant Scientist | Blueberry Breeding Statistical Genetics |
392-1928 | lferrao@ufl.edu |
Folta, Kevin M. | Professor | Plant Physiology Molecular Biology |
273-4766 | kfolta@ufl.edu |
Guan, Jiahn-Chou | Research Associate Professor | Plant Physiology Strigolactones |
273-8118 | guanjc@ufl.edu |
Gunter, Christopher | Chair Professor |
294-6795 | cc.gunter@ufl.edu | |
Hanson, Andrew D. | Profesor Griffin Eminent Scholar |
Stress Physiology | 273-4856 | adha@ufl.edu |
Haveman, Natasha | Research Assistant Scientist | Space Biology Molecular Genetics Plant-microbe Interaction |
273-4853 | nsng@ufl.edu |
Hoffmann Jr., Leo | Associate Scientist |
Potato Breeding |
273-4766 | hoffmannleo@ufl.edu |
Kelsey, Kay | Professor | Human Dimensions and Evaluation | 392-1928 | kathleen.kelsey@ufl.edu |
Kim, Jeongim | Associate Professor | Plant Hormones Secondary Metabolism |
273-4779 | jkim6@ufl.edu |
Koch, Karen E. | Professor | Plant Physiology Molecular Biology |
273-4833 | kekoch@ufl.edu |
Liebowitz, Dina M | Plant Science Program Director | Experiential Education Agroecology |
392-1040 | dinalieb@ufl.edu |
Liu, Guodong "David" | Associate Professor Extension Specialist |
Plant Physiology Crop Nutrient Management |
273-4814 | guodong@ufl.edu |
Liu, Tie | Assistant Professor Undergraduate Advisor |
Postharvest Genomics | 846-2638 | tieliu@ufl.edu |
McCarty, Donald R. | Professor | Seed Physiology | 273-4846 | drm@ufl.edu |
Merchant, Amethyst | Lecturer | 273-4595 | amethyst@ufl.edu | |
Messina, Carlos D | Professor | Predictive Breeding | 273-4862 | cmessina@ufl.edu |
Munoz, Patricio R | Associate Professor | Blueberry Breeding and Genomics | 273-4837 | p.munoz@ufl.edu |
Nunez, Gerardo | Assistant Professor | Small fruit physiology and nutrition | 273-4765 | g.nunez@ufl.edu |
Paul, Anna-Lisa | Research Professor Director of ICBR |
Plant Molecular Genetics | 273-4835 | alp@ufl.edu |
Rathinasabapathi, Bala | Professor Undergraduate Advisor |
Plant Physiology Molecular Biology |
273-4847 | brath@ufl.edu |
Resende, Marcio | Associate Professor | Corn Breeding and Genomics | 273-4772 | mresende@ufl.edu |
Sargent, Steven A. | Professor Associate Chair Extension Specialist |
Postharvest Biology Postharvest Technology |
273-4780 | sasa@ufl.edu |
Sarkhosh, Ali | Associate Professor Extension Specialist |
Fruit Crops Production and Physiology | 273-4788 | sarkhosha@ufl.edu |
Simonne, Eric H. | Northeast District Extension Director | Extension | 392-1791 | esimonne@ufl.edu |
Suzuki, Masaharu | Research Associate Professor | Molecular Genetics of Seed Development | 273-4854 | masaharu@ufl.edu |
Tieman, Denise | Research Associate Professor | Molecular Genetics | 846-2490 | dtieman@ufl.edu |
Treadwell, Danielle | Associate Professor Extension Specialist |
Organic Farming & Vegetable Production Food Systems |
273-4775 | ddtreadw@ufl.edu |
Vallejos, C. Eduardo | Professor Graduate Coordinator |
Physiological Genetics | 273-4845 | vallejos@ufl.edu |
Voiniciuc, Cătălin | Associate Professor | Synthetic Biology Plant Cell Walls Polysaccharides |
273-4782 | cvoiniciuc@ufl.edu |
Williamson, Jeffery G. | Professor Extension Specialist |
Deciduous Fruit Production | 273-4823 | jgrw@ufl.edu |
Zhao, Xin | Professor Undergraduate Coordinator |
Vegetable Grafting Organic & Sustainable Vegetable Production |
273-4773 | zxin@ufl.edu |
Zhou, Mingqi | Research Assistant Scientist | Space Biology Plant Stress Biology Biotechnology |
273-4835 | mqzhou@ufl.edu |
Zotarelli, Lincoln | Professor Extension Specialist |
Vegetable Production | 273-4949 | lzota@ufl.edu |