Postharvest Biology and Technology
Ever wonder how Florida fruit and vegetable growers manage to ship their fresh crops all over the country and around the world? The Postharvest Biology and Technology programs address many aspects of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of fruits and vegetables during storage, shipping, and marketing, with the goal of supplying the highest quality product to consumers.

Find out more information on specific research programs in postharvest biology and technology below:
- Jeffrey K. Brecht - Postharvest biology
- Ed Etxeberria - Sugar uptake, transport, accumulation in plant cells; effect of water deficit on citrus fruit quality; alternative methods of fruit labeling
- Tie Liu - Postharvest genomics of broccoli senescence and potato tuber dormancy
- Mark Ritenour - Postharvest physiology and handling of citrus and vegetables
- Steven A. Sargent - Integrated research to improve Florida horticultural crop postharvest quality; emphasis on technologies to reduce quality loss and increase harvest efficiency.