Authors |
Year |
Title / Description |
Publication |
Shin, D.G, Perez, V.C.G, Dickinson, G.K. g, Zhao, H. G, Dai, R.&, Tomiczek B.g, Askey, B.C.U, Cho, K.H. &, Zhu, N., Koh, J., Grenning, A., and Kim, J |
2023 |
Altered methionin metabolism impacts phenylpropanoid production and plant development in Arabidopsis thaliana. |
The Plant Journal.
Shahkoomahally, S., Shin, DG., Habibi, F. Kim, J., and Sarkhosh A. |
2023 |
Profiling phenolic compounds in juice and peel of fourteen pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) varieties grown in Florida, USA. |
Food Chemistry Advance
Belisle, C.E.g, Sargent S.A., Sandoya, G. V., Brecht, J.F., Dai, R. &, Askey, B U., Lei, Z., Lin, MG., and Kim, J. |
2023 |
Melatonin reduces pink rib discoloration in wounded lettuce midribs without affecting PAL and PPO activities, or chlorogenic acid concentration. |
Postharvest Biology and Technology submitted |
Li, Y. g, Zhu, W., Xiang, Q., Kim, J , Dufresne, C., Liu, Y., Li, T., and Chen, S. |
2023 |
Creation of a plant metabolite spectral library for untargeted and targeted metabolomics. |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Perez, V.C. G, Zhao, H.G., Lin, MG., and Kim, J. |
2023 |
Occurrence, Function, and Biosynthesis of the Natural Auxin Phenylacetic Acid (PAA) in Plants. |
Plants doi:org/10.3390/plants12020266 |
Perez, V.CG., Dai, R&., Tomiczek, B. g, Mendoza , J., Wolf, E.S.A. g, Grenning, A., Vermerris, W., Block, A.K., and Kim, J |
2022 |
Metabolic link between auxin production and specialized metabolites in Sorghum bicolor. |
Journal of Experimental Botany doi:org/10.1093/jxb/erac421 |
Chang, L-Yg., Sargent, S.A., Kim, J., and Brecht, J.K..
2022 |
Delaying ripening using 1-MCP reveals chilling injury symptom development at the putative chilling threshold temperature for mature green banana. |
Frontiers in Plant Science doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.966789. |
Askey, B.C.U., Liu, D., Rubin, G.M., Kunik A.R., Song, Y.H&., Ding, Y., and Kim, J.
2021 |
Metabolite profiling reveals organ-specific flavone accumulation in Scutellaria and identifies a scutellarin isomer isoscutellarein 8-O-β-glucuronopyranoside. |
Plant Direct. |
Perez, V.CG., Dai, R&., Block, A.K., and Kim, J |
2021 |
Metabolite analysis of Arabidopsis CYP79A2 overexpression lines reveals turnover of benzyl glucosinolate and an additive effect of different aldoximes on phenylpropanoid repression. |
Plant Signaling & Behavior. |
Perez, V.CG., Dai, R&., Bai BP., Tomiczek Bg., Askey, B.CU., Zhang, Yp., Rubin, G.Mg., Ding, Y., Grenning, A., Block, A.K., and Kim, J |
2021 |
Aldoximes are precursors of auxins in Arabidopsis and maize. |
New Phytologist. |
Kim, J.I., Hidalgo-Shrestha, C., Bonawitz, N.D., Franke, R.B., and Chapple, C. |
2021 |
Spatio-temporal control of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by inducible completmentation of a cinnamate 4-hydroyxlase mutant. |
Journal of Experimental Botany 72(8) 3061-3073 |
Zhang, D.&, Song, Y.H.&, Dai, R.&, Lee, T.G., and Kim, J |
2020 |
Aldoxime metabolism is linked to phenylpropanoid production in Camelina sativa. |
Frontiers in Plant Science 11:17 doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.00017. |
Kim, J.I., Zhang, X., Pascuzzi, P.E., Liu, C.-J. and Chapple, C. |
2020 |
Glucosinolate and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis are linked by proteasome-dependent degradation of PAL. |
New Phytologist, 225(1), 154-168 |
Askey, B.C.U, Dai, R.&, Lee, W.S., and Kim, J. |
2019 |
A noninvasive, machine learning based method for monitoring anthocyanin accumulation in plants using digital color imaging. |
Applications in Plant Sciences 7(11):e11301 |
Yang, H., Zhang, X., Luo, H., Liu, B., Shiga, T.M., Li, X., Kim, JI et al. |
2019 |
Overcoming cellulose recalcitrance in woody biomass for the lignin-first biorefinery. |
Biotechnology for Biofuels, doi:10.1186/s13068-019-1503-y |
Mao, X., Kim, J.I., Wheeler, M.T., Heintzelman A.K., Weake, V.M., and Chapple, C. |
2019 |
Mutation of Mediator subunit CDK8 counteracts the stunted growth and salicylic acid hyperaccumulation phenotypes of an Arabidopsis MED5 mutant. |
New Phytologist doi:10.1111/nph.15741 |
Zhao, Y., Gao, J., Kim, J.I., Chen, K., Bressan, R.A., and Zhu, J-K |
2017 |
Control of plant water use by ABA induction of senescence and dormancy: An overlooked lesson from evolution. |
Plant and Cell Physiology 58:1319-1327 |
Lee, S., Mo, H., Kim, J.I., Cusumano, J.C., and Chapple, C. |
2017 |
Genetic engineering of Arabidopsis to overproduce disinapoyl esters, potential lignin modification molecules. |
Biotechnology for Biofuels doi:10.1186/s13068-017-0725-0 |
Liu, J., Kim, J.I., Cusumano, J.C., Chapple, C., Venugopalan, N., Fischetti, R.F., and Makowski, L. |
2016 |
The impact of alterations in the lignin biosynthetic pathway on molecular architecture of the plant cell wall. |
Biotechnology for Biofuels doi:10.1186/s13068-016-0540-z |
Kim, T.H., Kim, J.I., Chapple, C., and Kim, Y. |
2016 |
Nonspectroscopic imaging for quantitative chlorophyll sensing. |
Journal of Biomedical Optics doi:10.1117/1.JBO.21.1.016008 |
Li, Y., Kim, J.I., Pysh, L., and Chapple, C. |
2015 |
Four isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) have overlapping yet distinct roles in phenylpropanoid metabolism. |
Plant Physiology doi:10.1104/pp.15.00838 |
Kim, J.I., Dolan, W., Anderson, N., and Chapple, C. |
2015 |
Indole glucosinolate biosynthesis limits phenylpropanoid accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. |
The Plant Cell, 27,1529-1549 |
Cha, J., Kim, W., Kang, S.B., Kim, J.I., Baek, D., Jung, I.J., Kim, M.R., Li, N., Sabir, J., Park, H.C., Lee, S.Y., Bohnert, H.J., Bressan, R.A., and Yun, D. |
2015 |
A novel thiol-reductase activity of Arabidopsis YUC6 confers drought tolerance independently of auxin biosynthesis. |
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms9041 |
Liu, B., Wang, P., Kim, J.I., Zhang, D., Xia, Y., Chapple, C., and Cheng, J-X. |
2015 |
Vibrational fingerprint mapping reveals spatial distribution of functional groups of lignin in plant cell wall. |
Analytical Chemistry 87:9436-9442 |
Kim, J.I., Ciesielski, P., Donohoe, B.S., Chapple, C. and Li, X. |
2014 |
Chemically-induced conditional rescue of the ref8 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana reveals rapid restoration of growth and selective turnover of secondary metabolite pools. |
Plant Physiology 164:584-595 |
Bonawitz, N.D., Kim, J.I., Tobimatsu, Y., Ciesielski, P., Anderson, N.A., Ximenses, E., Maeda, J., Ralph, J., Donohoe, B., Ladisch, M., and Chapple, C. |
2014 |
Disruption of Mediator rescues the stunted growth of a lignin-deficient Arabidopsis mutant. |
Nature 509:376-380 |
Kim, J.I., Baek, D., Chun, H., Oh, D., Lee, M.K., Bohnert, H., Lee, S.Y., Bressan, R.A., Lee, S.W., and Yun, D. |
2013 |
Overexpression of Arabidopsis YUCCA6 in potato results in high-auxin developmental phenotypes and enhanced resistance to water deficit stress. |
Molecular Plant 6:337-349 |
Tobimatsu, Y., Wagner, A., Donaldson, L., Mitra, P., Niculaes, C., Dima, O., Kim, J.I., Anderson, N., Loque, D., Boerjan, W., Chapple, C. and Ralph, J. |
2013 |
Visualization of Plant Cell Wall Lignification Using Fluorescence-tagged Monolignols |
Plant Journal 76:357-366 |
Liu, J., Inouye, H., Venugopalan, N., Fischetti, R.F., Gleber, S.C., Vogt, S., Cusumano, J.C., Kim, J.I., Chapple, C. and Makowski, L. |
2013 |
Tissue specific specialization of the nanoscale architecture of Arabidopsis. |
Journal of Structural Biology 184:103-114 |
Kim, J.I., Murphy, A.S., Baek, D., Lee, S.Y., Yun, D., Bressan, R.A. and Narasimhan, M.L. |
2011 |
YUCCA6 over-expression demonstrates auxin function in delaying of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Journal of Experimental Botany 62:3981-3992 |
Kim, J.I., Sharkhuu, A., Jin, J.B., Li, P., Jeong, J.C., Baek, D., Lee, S.Y., Blakeslee, J.J., Murphy, S.S., Bohnert, H.J., Hasegawa, P.M., Yun, D., Bressan, R.A. |
2007 |
yucca6, a Dominant mutation in Arabidopsis, affects auxin accumulation and auxin-related phenotypes. |
Plant Physiology 145:722-735 |