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Horticultural Sciences

Horticultural Sciences

Dr. Mingqi Zhou

Research Assistant Scientist

Mingqi Zhou - picture

Mailing Address:
Fifield Hall
2550 Hull Road
PO Box 110690
Gainesville, Florida 32611

Office: 2312 Fifield Hall
Phone: (352) 273-4835

Dr. Mingqi Zhou received his Ph.D. of Genetics from Fudan University, China in 2013. As a Research Assistant Scientist in UF Space Plants Lab, Mingqi’s research is currently focused on identifying epigenetic modifications that occur in plants experiencing spaceflight and revealing regulatory mechanism of DNA methylation changes involved in the adaptation of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to spaceflight. Mingqi is also interested in developing novel sequencing-based methods that can be applied in epigenetic studies to help detect rare epigenetic states and further formulate mechanistic models. Tools of genome-wide sequencing together with targeted analysis in the single-molecule level are employed to achieve the goal of understanding the plant growth processes in extraterrestrial environments.

  • Areas of Research
    • Space Biology
    • Plant Stress Biology
    • Biotechnology
  • Honors and Awards
    • CAS-NAS New Leaders in Space Science (2016, 2017)
    • The Excellent Graduate Student of Fudan University (2013)
    • The National Scholarship of China (Graduate student) (2012)

Selected Publications