Authors |
Year |
Title / Description |
Publication |
Jiahn-Chou Guan, Changsheng Li, Sherry Flint-Garcia, Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Jonathan W Saunders, Lemeng Dong, Harro J Bouwmeester, Donald R McCarty, Karen E Koch. |
2023 |
Maize domestication phenotypes reveal strigolactone networks coordinating grain size evolution with kernel-bearing cupule architecture. |
Plant Cell 35, 1013-1037. |
Junya Zhang, Robert C. Augustine, Masaharu Suzuki, Juanjuan Feng, Si Nian Char, Bing Yang, Donald R. McCarty, Richard D. Vierstra. |
2021 |
The SUMO ligase MMS21 profoundly influences maize development through its impact on genome activity and stability. |
PLoS Genetics 17(10):e1009830. |
Jaya Joshi, Manaki Mimura, Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Jesse F. Gregory 3rd, Andrew D. Hanson, Donald R. McCarty. |
2021 |
The Thiamin-Requiring 3 Mutation of Arabidopsis 5-Deoxyxylulose-Phosphate Synthase 1 Highlights How the Thiamin Economy Impacts the Methylerythritol 4-Phosphate Pathway. |
Frontier in Plant Science 12:721391. |
Haiyan Jia, Masaharu Suzuki*, Donald R.McCarty*. |
2021 |
Structural variation affecting DNA backbone interactions underlies adaptation of B3 DNA binding domains to constraints imposed by protein architecture. |
Nucleic Acid Research. 49: 4989-5002. |
Ken-ichiro Hibara, Masayuki Miya, Sean Akira Benvenuto, Naoko Hibara-Matsuo, Manaki Mimura, Takanori Yoshikawa, Masaharu Suzuki, Makoto Kusaba, Shin Taketa, Jun-ichi Itoh. |
2021 |
Regulation of the plastochron by three many-noded dwarf genes in barley. |
PLOS Genetics 17(5):e1009292. |
Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Manaki Mimura, Saleh Alseekh, Alisdair R. Fernie, Andrew D. Hanson, Donald R. McCarty |
2020 |
Construction and applications of a B vitamin genetic resource for investigation of vitamin-dependent metabolism in maize. |
Plant Journal 101:442-454. |
Susan K. Boehlein, Peng Liu, Ashley Webster, Camila Ribeiro, Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Jiahn‐Chou Guan, Jon D. Stewart, William F. Tracy, A. Mark Settles, Donald R. McCarty, Karen E. Koch, Larkin C. Hannah, Tracie A. Hennen‐Bierwagen, Alan M. Myers |
2019 |
Effects of long-term exposure to elevated temperature on Zea mays endosperm development during grain fill. |
Plant Journal. 99:23-40. |
Manaki Mimura, Toru Kudo, Shan Wu, Donald R. McCarty, Masaharu Suzuki |
2018 |
Autonomous and nonautonomous functions of the maize Shohai1 gene, encoding a RWP-RK putative transcription factor, in regulation of embryo and endosperm development. |
Plant Journal 95: 892-908. |
Nathan M. Springer, et al. |
2018 |
The maize W22 genome provides a foundation for functional genomics and transposon biology. |
Nature Genetics 50: 1282-1288. |
Ya-Feng Zhang, Masaharu Suzuki, Feng Sun, Bao-Cai Tan |
2017 |
The Mitochondrion-Targeted PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT78 Protein Is Required for nad5 Mature mRNA Stability and Seed Development in Maize. |
Molecular Plant 10:1321-1333. |
Jiani Yang, Masaharu Suzuki, Donald R. McCarty |
2016 |
Essential role of conserved DUF177A protein in plastid 23S rRNA accumulation and plant embryogenesis. |
Journal of Experimental Botany 67:5447-5460. |
Davide Sosso, Dangping Luo, Qin-Bao Li, Joelle Sasse, Jinliang Yang, Ghislaine Gendrot, Masaharu Suzuki, Karen E Koch, Donald R McCarty, Prem S Chourey, Peter M Rogowsky, Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, Bing Yang, and Wolf B Frommer |
2015 |
Seed filling in domesticated maize and rice depends on SWEET-mediated hexose transport. |
Nature Genetics 47:1489-1493. |
Masaharu Suzuki, Yutaka Sato, Shan Wu, Byung-Ho Kang, Donald R. McCarty |
2015 |
Conserved functions of the BIG EMBRYO 1 MATE transporter in regulation of lateral organ size and initiation rate. |
Plant Cell 8:2288-2300. |
Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Qin-Bao Li, Donald R. McCarty |
2014 |
Distinct functions of COAR and B3 domains of maize VP1 in induction of ectopic gene expression and plant developmental phenotypes in Arabidopsis. |
Plant Molecular Biology 85:179-191. |
Charles T Hunter, Masaharu Suzuki, Jonathan Saunders, Shan Wu, Alexander Tasi, Donald R McCarty, Karen E Koch |
2014 |
Phenotype to genotype using forward-genetic Mu-seq for identification and functional classification of maize mutants. |
Frontier in Plant Science. 4:545. |
Haiyan Jia, Donald R. McCarty, Masaharu Suzuki |
2013 |
Distinct Roles of LAFL Network Genes in Promoting the Embryonic Seedling Fate in the Absence of VAL Repression. |
Plant Physiology 163:1293-1305. |
Haiyan Jia, Masaharu Suzuki, Donald R. McCarty |
2013 |
Regulation of the seed to seedling developmental phase transition by the LAFL and VAL transcription factor networks. |
WIREs Developmental Biology. 3:135-145. |
Donald R. McCarty, Sue Latshaw, Shan Wu, Masaharu Suzuki, Charles Hunter, Wayne Avigne, and Karen E. Koch |
2013 |
Mu-seq: sequence-based mapping and identification of transposon induced mutations. |
PLoS One 8: e777172. |
Donald R. McCarty, Masaharu Suzuki, Charles Hunter, Wayne T. Avigne, and Karen E. Koch |
2013 |
Genetic and molecular analysis of UniformMu Transposon Insertion Lines. |
In Methods in Molecular Biology, vol.1057, p157-166: Plant Transposable Elements (Thomas Peterson, ed). |
Jiahn Chou Guan, Karen E. Koch, Masaharu Suzuki, Shan Wu, Susan Latshaw, Tanya Petruff, Charles Goulet, Harry J. Klee, Donald R. McCarty |
2012 |
Diverse roles of strigolactone signaling in maize architecture and the uncoupling of a branching-specific sub-network. |
Plant Physiology 160: 1303-1317. |
Elizabeth M. Takacs, Masaharu Suzuki, and Michael J. Scanlon |
2012 |
Discolored1 (DSC1) is an ADP-Ribosylation Factor-GTPase Activating Protein Required to Maintain Differentiation of Maize Kernel Structures. |
Frontier in Plant Science 3:115. |
Masaharu Suzuki and Donald R. McCarty |
2008 |
Functional symmetry of the B3 network controlling seed development. |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11: 548-553. |
Masaharu Suzuki, Susan Latshaw, Yutaka Sato, A. Mark Settles, Karen E. Koch, L. Curtis Hannah, Mikiko Kojima, Hitoshi Sakakibara, and Donald R. McCarty |
2008 |
The maize Viviparous8 locus, encoding a putative AMP1-like peptidase, regulates ABA accumulation and coordinate embryo and endosperm development. |
Plant Physiology 146: 1193-1206. |
Masaharu Suzuki, Heidi H-Y. Wang, and Donald R. McCarty |
2007 |
Repression of the LEAFY COTYLEDON 1/B3 Regulatory Network in Plant Embryo Development by VP1/ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 3-LIKE B3 Genes. |
Plant Physiology 143: 902-911. |
A. Mark Settles, David R. Holding, Bao Cai Tan, Susan P. Latshaw, Juan Liu, Masaharu Suzuki, Li Li, Brent O’Brien, Diego Fajardo, Ewa Wroclwaska, Jinsheng Lai, Charles Hunter, Wayne Avigne, Stephanie Peacock, John Baier, Donald Lonon, Joachim Messing, L. Curtis Hannah, Karen E. Koch, Philip W. Becraft, Brian A. Larkins, and Donald R. McCarty |
2007 |
Sequence-indexed mutations in maize using the UniformMu transposon-tagging population. |
BMC Genomics 8: 116. |
Masaharu Suzuki, A. Mark Settles, Chi-Wah Tseung, Qin-Bao Li, Susan Latshaw, Shan Wu, Tim Porch, Eric A. Schmelz, Martha G. James, Donald R. McCarty |
2006 |
The maize viviparous15 locus encodes the molybdopterin synthase small subunit. |
Plant Journal 45: 264-274. |