Authors |
Year |
Title / Description |
Publication |
Stutts L, Latimer S, Batyrshina Z, Dickinson G, Alborn H, Block AK, Basset GJ. |
2023 |
The evolution of strictly monofunctional naphthoquinol C-methyltransferases is vital in cyanobacteria and plastids |
Plant Cell. 35 (10), 3686-3696 |
Stutts L, Latimer S, Basset GJ. |
2023 |
Development and application of synthetic inhibitors of photosynthesis |
US Patent 63/503,377 (Pending) |
Berger A, Latimer S, Stutts LR, Soubeyrand E, Block AK, Basset GJ. |
2022 |
Kaempferol as a precursor for ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) biosynthesis: An atypical node between specialized metabolism and primary metabolism |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 66, 102165. |
Tang HV, Berryman DL, Mendoza J, Yactayo-Chang JP, Li QB, Christensen SA, Hunter CT, Best N, Soubeyrand E, Akhtar TA, Basset GJ, Block AK. |
2022 |
Dedicated farnesyl diphosphate synthases circumvent isoprenoid-derived growth-defense tradeoffs in Zea mays |
The Plant Journal 112(1), 207-220. |
Latimer S, Keene SA, Stutts LR, Berger A, Bernert AC, Soubeyrand E, Wright J, Clarke CF, Block AK, Colquhoun TA, Elowsky C, Christensen A, Wilson MA, Basset GJ. |
2021 |
A dedicated flavin-dependent monooxygenase catalyzes the hydroxylation of demethoxyubiquinone into ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) in Arabidopsis |
Journal of Biological Chemistry 297(5), 101283 |
Soubeyrand E, Latimer S, Bernert AC, Keene SA, Johnson TS, Shin D, Block AK, Colquhoun TA, Schäffner AR, Kim J, Basset GJ. |
2021 |
3-O-glycosylation of kaempferol restricts the supply of the benzenoid precursor of ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) in Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Phytochemistry 186, 112738 |
Fernández-Del-Río L, Soubeyrand E, Basset GJ, Clarke CF. |
2020 |
Metabolism of the Flavonol Kaempferol in Kidney Cells Liberates the B-ring to Enter Coenzyme Q Biosynthesis |
Molecules 25 (13), 2955 |
Soubeyrand E, Kelly M, Keene SA, Bernert AC, Latimer S, Johnson TS, Elowsky C, Colquhoun TA, Block AK, Basset GJ. |
2019 |
Arabidopsis 4-COUMAROYL-COA LIGASE 8 contributes to the biosynthesis of the benzenoid ring of coenzyme Q in peroxisomes. |
Biochemical Journal 476, 3521-3532. |
Bernert AC, Jacobs EJ, Reinl SR, Choi CCY, Roberts Buceta PM, Culver JC, Goodspeed CR, Bradley MC, Clarke CF, Basset GJ, Shepherd JN. |
2019 |
Recombinant RquA catalyzes the in vivo conversion of ubiquinone to rhodoquinone in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids. 1864, 1226-1234. |
Strenkert D, Schmollinger S, Gallaher SD, Salomé PA, Purvine SO, Nicora CD, Mettler-Altmann T, Soubeyrand E, Weber APM, Lipton MS, Basset GJ, Merchant SS. |
2019 |
Multiomics resolution of molecular events during a day in the life of Chlamydomonas. |
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 2374-2383. |
Soubeyrand E, Johnson TS, Latimer S, Block A, Kim J, Colquhoun TA, Butelli E, Martin C, Wilson MA, Basset GJ. |
2018 |
The Peroxidative Cleavage of Kaempferol Contributes to the Biosynthesis of the Benzenoid Moiety of Ubiquinone in Plants. |
Plant Cell 30, 2910-2921. |
Latimer S, Li Y, Nguyen TTH, Soubeyrand E, Fatihi A, Elowsky CG, Block A, Pichersky E, Basset GJ. |
2018 |
Metabolic reconstructions identify plant 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase that is crucial for branched-chain amino acid catabolism in mitochondria. |
Plant Journal 95, 358-370. |
Wittkopp TM, Schmollinger S, Saroussi S, Hu W, Zhang W, Fan Q, Gallaher SD, Leonard MT, Soubeyrand E, Basset GJ, Merchant SS, Grossman AR, Duanmu D, Lagarias JC. |
2017 |
Bilin-Dependent Photoacclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. |
Plant Cell. 29, 2711-2726. |
Basset GJ, Latimer S, Fatihi, A, Soubeyrand, E, Block A. |
2017 |
Phylloquinone (vitamin K1): Occurrence, biosynthesis and functions. |
Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17, 1028-1038. |
Strenkert D, Limso CA, Fatihi A, Schmollinger S, Basset GJ, Merchant SS. |
2016 |
Genetically programmed changes in photosynthetic cofactor metabolism in copper-deficient Chlamydomonas. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 19118-19131. |
Fatihi A, Latimer S, Schmollinger S, Block A, Dussault PH, Vermaas WF, Merchant SS, Basset GJ. |
2015 |
A dedicated type II NADPH dehydrogenase performs the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of vitamin K1 in Synechocystis and Arabidopsis. |
The Plant Cell 27, 1730-1741. |
Block A, Widhalm JR, Fatihi A, Cahoon RE, Wamboldt Y, Elowsky C, Mackenzie SA, Cahoon EB, Chapple C, Dudareva N, Basset GJ. |
2014 |
The origin and biosynthesis of the benzenoid moiety of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) in Arabidopsis. |
The Plant Cell 26, 1938-1948. |
Block A, Fristedt R, Rogers S, Kumar, J, Barnes B, Barnes J, Elowsky CG, Wamboldt Y, Mackenzie SA, Redding K, Merchant SS, Basset GJ. |
2013 |
Functional modeling identifies paralogous solanesyl diphosphate synthases that assemble the side chain of plastoquinone-9 in plastids. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288, 27594-27606. |
Furt F, Allen WJ, Widhalm JR, Madzelan P, Rizzo RC, Basset GJ, Wilson MA. |
2013 |
Functional convergence of structurally distinct thioesterases from cyanobacteria and plants involved in phylloquinone biosynthesis. |
Acta Crystallographica D 69,1876-1888. |
Widhalm JR, Ducluzeau AL, Buller NE, Elowsky CG, Olsen LJ, Basset GJ. |
2012 |
Phylloquinone (vitamin K1) biosynthesis in plants: two peroxisomal thioesterases of Lactobacillales origin hydrolyze 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA. |
The Plant Journal 71, 205-215. |
Fitzpatrick TB, Basset GJ, Borel P, Carrari F, DellaPenna D, Fraser PD, Hellman H, Osorio-Algar S, Rothan C, Valpuesta V, Caris-Veyrat C, Fernie AR. |
2012 |
Vitamin deficiency: Can plant science help? |
The Plant Cell 24, 395-414. |
Ducluzeau AL, Wamboldt Y, Elowsky CG, Mackenzie SA, Schuurink RC, Basset GJ. |
2012 |
Gene network reconstruction identifies the authentic trans-prenyl diphosphate synthase that makes the solanesyl moiety of ubiquinone-9 in Arabidopsis. |
The Plant Journal 69, 366-375. |
Van Oostende C, Widhalm JR, Furt F, Ducluzeau AL, Basset GJ. |
2011 |
Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone): function, enzymes and genes. |
Advances in Botanical Research 59, 229-261. |
Xu YZ, Arrieta-Montiel MP, Wamboldt YJ, Virdi K, de Paula WBM, Widhalm JR, Basset GJ, Davila JI, Elthon TE, Elowsky CG, Sato SJ, Clemente TE, Mackenzie SA. |
2011 |
MSH1 is a multi-functional protein in plants that alters mitochondrial and plastid properties and response to high light. |
The Plant Cell 23, 3428-3441. |
Furt F, van Oostende C, Widhalm JR, Dale MA, Wertz J, Basset GJ. |
2010 |
A bimodular oxidoreductase mediates the specific reduction of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) in chloroplasts. |
The Plant Journal 64, 38-46. |
Widhalm JR, van Oostende C, Furt F, Basset GJ. |
2009 |
A dedicated thioesterase of the Hotdog-fold family is required for the biosynthesis of the naphthoquinone ring of vitamin K1. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106, 5599-5603. |