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Fifield Hall
2550 Hull Road
PO Box 110690
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Office: 1243 Fifield Hall
Phone: (352) 273-4775
Vegetable, fruit and cover crop management, conservation tillage, organic farming, small farms, farm to school, food systems
Dr. Danielle Treadwell has been conducting research and Extension programs on vegetable and cover crop management in organic systems for over 25 years. She provides statewide Extension leadership for food systems, food safety, farm to school, small farms and alternative enterprises. She supports state and county faculty, farmers, and consumers by developing training, educational materials, and information networks. Dr. Treadwell’s Extension publications are located here:
Dr. Treadwell’s research aims to conserve natural resources and focuses on cover crop, nutrient and soil management practices. Research is conducted to meet industry needs, and outcomes contribute to her Extension program and teaching and mentoring activities. She encourages her graduate students to conduct research according to their interests and professional goals. Graduate student work includes nutrient and pest management in greenhouse, field and reduced tillage vegetable production systems, as well as organic peach systems.
Dr. Treadwell frequently serves a guest lecturer in a variety of courses throughout CALS for undergraduates and graduates. She enjoys mentoring students of all ages and serves as chair, co-chair and committee member for both M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Dr. Danielle Treadwell and Mary Beth Henry (UF/IFAS Extension, Polk County) provide statewide leadership for the Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises program. This extension program serves Florida’s diversified crop and livestock farm operators of all sizes, but particularly addresses the unique challenges faced by small farms owners and proprietors including business planning, marketing and market access, food safety, resource conservation, and nutrient, water, and pest management. Visit the team’s website for a wealth of information on these topics and more: and keep up with current events on our Facebook page at
Dr. Treadwell has provided leadership for Florida’s farm to school programs since 2012 and continues to serve as faculty advisor to Florida’s Farm to School and Community team now working in the UF/IFAS Family Nutrition Program with funding from Florida SNAP-Ed. The Farm to School and Community team consists of ten staff with experience and expertise in food and farming systems, plus additional staff at two farm to school food hubs (Alachua and Orange Counties). An interactive website describing the policy, systems, and environmental efforts of SNAP-Ed educators documented by our team is here: Educational materials for school gardens includes our award-winning guide Grow to Learn: A Practical Guide for Successful School Gardens in Florida. 2014. (D. Treadwell, S. Park Brown, K. Brew and A. Prizzia, Eds.).
Organizations throughout the U.S. are supporting a national initiative to expand the adoption of cover crops in farming systems as a strategy to conserve natural resources. Dr. Treadwell’s Cover Crops for Resource Conservation Extension program supports this initiative by conducting cover crop demonstrations and hands-on trainings on farms and on research stations as well as serving as board member and Co-Chair of the Outreach and Communication Committee of the Southern Cover Crops Council. Check out my videos produced by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture and Education program (Southern SARE):
Dr. Treadwell’s Organic Farming Systems Extension program is broad and includes programs on transitioning to organic, the certification process, crop rotations, and nutrient and pest management in organic fruit, vegetable, and cover crops. She frequently collaborates with Florida Organic Growers and Consumers to design and host programs, as well as faculty from UF/IFAS and beyond.
International Experience
2015 - Jamaica. Delivered formal education, workshops, field days, hands-on experiential training of organic and sustainable agriculture to farmers, service providers, university educators, government agency representatives, and allied industry representatives May 10-24. Travel was sponsored by FAVACA and work was designed to meet the objectives of the Jamaica Sustainable Farm Enterprise Program (a USAID sponsored program) designed to build program infrastructure, transfer technology and support information networks that will build a resilient food system in Jamaica.
2014 - US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Farmer “Discover the Cover” Training – 3 days of educational programming on cover crops and soil health in two locations including the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Croix, USVI, and the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, one formal presentation on strategies to integrate cover crops into vegetable rotations and a half day of hands-on learning in the field. April 3-6. Funded by SR-SARE.
2012 - Dominica. Developed and delivered farmer training in Dominca “Integrated Organic Agriculture for the Tropics”. Training was in the classroom and the field in collaboration with Stuart Weiss, University of the Virgin Islands. Travel was sponsored by FAVACA, Dominica Organic Agriculture Movement Inc. and the Dominica Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
2008-2011 - Co-PI on a 4-year organic education project funded by USDA/CSREES ISE to initiate collaborative education and outreach programs between the University of Florida and the University of Madrid (Spain) and provide a foundation for future exchange of information and technology. Hosted visiting Spanish faculty co-PIs for a day-long tour of Organic research at PSREU in Citra, FL June 21, 2010.
2008 - Hosted Howard Conkey, Communications Manager, Product Integrity Animal and Plant Health Division, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Australia. This visit was arranged to introduce Mr. Conkey to the roles and responsibilities of Land Grant University Extension, and UF-IFAS in particular, regarding biosecurity issues specific to small farms. Activities included a Departmental Seminar, farm tours, and county agent interviews. April 21-22.
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