Authors | Year | Title / Description | Publication |
Fang, Y., J. Williamson, R. Darnell, Y. Li, and G. Liu. |
2017 |
Nitrogen uptake and allocation at different growth stages of young southern highbush blueberry plants. |
HortScience 52:905-909. |
Nunez, G., C.L. Harmon, J.W. Olmstead, and R.L. Darnell. |
2016 |
Root-level inoculation with iron-reducing microorganisms does not enhance iron uptake by southern highbush blueberry plants. |
Rhizosphere |
Casamali, B., J. Williamson, A. Kovaleski, S. Sargent, and R. Darnell. |
2016 |
Mechanical harvesting and postharvest storage of two southern highbush blueberry cultivars grafted onto Vaccinium arboreum rootstocks. |
HortScience 51:1503-1510. |
Casamali, B., R.L. Darnell, A.P. Kovaleski, J.W. Olmstead, and J.W. Williamson |
2016 |
Negetative and reproductive traits of two southern highbush blueberry cultivars grafted onto Vaccinium arboreum rootstocks. |
HortScience 51:880-886. |
Nunez, G.H., H.P. Rodriguez-Armenta, R.L. Darnell, and J.W. Olmstead |
2016 |
Towards marker assisted breeding for root architecture traits in southern highbush blueberry. |
J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 141:414-424. |
Nunez, G., C.L. Harmon, J.W. Olmstead, and R.L. Darnell |
2016 |
Root-level inoculation with iron-reducing microorganisms does not enhance iron uptake by southern highbush blueberry plants. |
Rhizosphere doi:10.1016/j.rhisph.2016.09.001. |
Nunez, G. H., A. P. Kovaleski, B. Casamali, and R. L. Darnell |
2016 |
Can science and genetics literacy affect student perception of genetically modified organisms? |
AgBioForum 19:1-10. |
Darnell, R.L., B. Casamali, and J.G. Williamson |
2015 |
Nutrient assimilation in southern highbush blueberry and implications for the field. |
HortTech 25:460-463. |
Nunez, G.H., J.W. Olmstead, and R.L. Darnell |
2015 |
Rhizosphere acidification is not part of the strategy I iron deficiency response of Vaccinium arboreum and the southern highbush blueberry. |
HortScience 50:1064-1069. |
Kovaleski, A., R.L. Darnell, B. Casamali, and J.G. Williamson |
2015 |
Effects of timing and intensity of summer pruning on reproductive traits of two southern highbush blueberry cultivars. |
HortScience 50:1486-1491. |
Kovaleski, A., J. Williamson, B. Casamali, and R.L. Darnell |
2015 |
Effects of timing and intensity of summer pruning on vegetative traits of two southern highbush blueberry cultivars. |
HortScience 50:68-73. |
Kovaleski, A., J. Williamson, J.Olmstead, and R.L.Darnell |
2015 |
Inflorescence bud initiation, development, and bloom in two southern highbush blueberry cultivars. |
J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 140:38-44. |
Nunez, G., A. Kovaleski, and R. L. Darnell |
2014 |
Formal education can affect students’ perception of organic produce. |
Horttechnology 24:64-70. |
Darnell, R.L., N. Cruz-Huerta, J.G. Williamson |
2013 |
Night temperature and source-sink effects on growth, leaf carbon exchange rate, and carbohydrate accumulation in bell pepper ovaries. |
J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 138:331-337. |
Darnell, R.L., N. Cruz-Huerta, J.G. Williamson |
2012 |
Night temperature and source-sink effects on overall growth, cell number and cell size in bell pepper ovaries. |
Ann. Bot. 110:987-994. |
Darnell, R.L. and N. Cruz-Huerta |
2011 |
Nitrate and iron uptake and assimilation in cultivated and wild Vaccinium species. |
Inter. J. Fruit Sci. 11:136-150. |
Cruz-Huerta, N., J. G. Williamson, and R. L. Darnell |
2011 |
Low night temperature increases ovary size in sweet pepper cultivars. |
HortScience 46:396-401. |