Fruit Production Specialists

Dr. Manjul Dutt
Dr. Dutt has 80% research, 20% extension split appointment at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, FL. His research program focuses on developing new citrus cultivars, including both scions and rootstocks, utilizing germplasm from disease-resistant citrus species. He also manages the Finger Lime website, offering resources for cultivating finger limes and hybrid rootstocks and scions derived from them. Additionally, he develops disease tolerant grapes that can grow in Florida.

Dr. Alan Chambers
Dr. Chambers has an 80% research 20% extension split appointment at the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, FL. His extension program includes short and long-term research support for local growers. Short-term research includes trialing existing tropical fruit species for yield and fruit quality to empower growers during the cultivar selection process. Dr. Chambers' long-term research includes the creation of new tropical fruit cultivars through traditional and cutting-edge breeding technologies.
Dr. Jonathan Crane
Dr. Crane is an extension specialist for tropical fruit crop production and is located at the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, FL. His research interests include tree size control strategies, nutrient and irrigation management, cultivar evaluation and development, and cultural practices to avoid and/or mitigate environmental stresses. Dr. Crane, along with Dr. Jeff Williamson, hosts FruitScapes, a website on growing fruit trees in the home landscape.

Dr. Ali Sarkhosh
Dr. Sarkhosh is an extension specialist for tree fruit and viticulture with emphasis on stone fruit and grape production. He is located at the Horticultural Sciences Department in Gainesville, FL. His research program focuses on optimizing production systems including; crop load, canopy management, tree size control, application of PGRs, irrigation and nutrition management. Dr. Sarkhosh also authors and maintains the Stone Fruit website.

Dr. Tripti Vashisth
Dr. Vashisth is an extension specialist for citrus production and is located at UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, FL. Her research focuses on optimizing citrus production with horticultural strategies such as canopy and crop load management, nutrition, and plant growth regulators. She is an editor for Citrus Production Guide and organizes extension events for growers to ensure timely and continuous dissemination of new information to citrus growers.

Dr. Christopher Vincent
Dr. Vincent is located at UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, FL and his extension program focuses on management of citrus plant physiology, focusing on areas where horticultural management meets pest and disease management. This leads him to collaborate constantly with pathologists and entomologist. Practices under evaluation include the use of kaolin clays, shade, and plant growth regulators to coordinate plant and pest management. He also manages the review and editing of citrus-related extension writing for EDIS.

Dr. Jeffrey Williamson
Dr. Williamson provides leadership for deciduous fruit production with emphasis on blueberry culture and management and is located in the Horticultural Sciences Department in Gainesville, FL. His program focuses on soil management, irrigation and fertilization practices, cultivar evaluation, and use of plant growth regulators. He serves as newsletter editor and educational program director for the Florida Blueberry Grower's Association. He also provides leadership for Florida 4-H in the area of fruit culture.