Shuttle Details
FOR DAY 1 (September 13, 2023): Dr. Michaux asks logical, data-driven questions about the transition from fossil fuels to electricity. Based on mining capacities and mineral reserves, he challenges the belief that the transition can be accomplished anywhere near the time frame envisioned in current government policies in the US, Europe, and elsewhere. Based on similar considerations, he argues that industrial capacities and economies will need to be radically reconfigured to deal with the mineral requirements of the transition and beyond and that the reconfiguration process has to start now.
FOR DAY 2 (September 14, 2023): Dr. Michaux will share his ideas for a healthy planet and economy and is eager to hear yours. -
Zoom Links
JOIN REMOTELY DAY 1 (September 13, 2023):
- Connect by Zoom (https://zoom.us/join)
- Enter Meeting ID: 967 5442 8572
- Enter Passcode: 311810
- Or Click This Link:
JOIN REMOTELY DAY 2 (September 14, 2023):
- Connect by Zoom (https://zoom.us/join)
- Enter Meeting ID: 967 5442 8572
- Enter Passcode: 311810
- Or Click This Link:
- Connect by Zoom (https://zoom.us/join)
Recording Links
DAY 1 (September 13, 2023):
DAY 2 (September 14, 2023):