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UF Grape Field Day Presentations
- 2024
- 2023
- Agenda - Dr. Ali Sarkhosh
- Growing Pierce Diseases Resistant’s Wine Grape in the Southeast - Dr. Justin Scheiner
- Wine fermentation - Dr. Andrew MacIntosh
- Cover Crops and Organic Certification as Alternative Strategies for Vineyard - Dr. Danielle Treadwell
- General Fertilizer and Nutrient Considerations for Muscadine Vineyards - Dr. Mark Hoffmann
- Weed Management in Vineyards - Dr. Peter Ditmar
- Grape Root Borer and its Management in Vineyards - Amanda Hodges
- Sensory Evaluation Practices for Wines - Dr. Charlie Sims
- Evaluating Traits to Efficiently Select New High-Quality Muscadine Cultivars - Dr. Islam Elsharkawy
- Most Common and Useful Cultivars for Muscadine Production - Dr. Patrick Conner
- Training and Pruning in Muscadine Grape - Dr. Mark Huffman
- Muscadine Grape Sparkling Wine - Dr. Andrew MacIntosh
- Disease Management in Muscadines and Pierce's Disease Resistant Hybrids - Dr. Phillip Brannen
- Vineyard Insect Pest Management - Dr. Oscar Liburd
- Enhancement of Nutrient Uptake in Vineyard Using Soil Amendments - Dr. Ali Sarkhosh
- Disease Management in Muscadines and Pierce’s Disease Resistant Hybrids - Dr. Phillip Brannen
- Breeding Muscadine Grape for Fresh Market - Dr. Patrick Conner
- Vineyard Trellising - Thoughts & Digressions - Mr. Ron Guzzetta
- Pruning of Muscadine Grape - Dr. Violeta Tsolova
- Breeding Muscadine for Health Beneficial - Dr. Islam Elsharkawy
- Practical Pest Management for Muscadine Grapes - Dr. Oscar Liburd
- Muscadine Grape Sparkling Wine - Dr. Andrew MacIntosh