Weed Management
Weed management is an important part of an overall management plan, especially during the establishment period. Young stone fruit trees are not good competitors for water and nutrients when compared to invasive weed species. Thus, maintaining a weed-free strip down the tree row in the orchard is essential to successful establishment. Herbicides or cultural methods can be used depending upon whether the orchard will be managed conventionally or organically.
Weed Management Considerations for Orchards [LINK]
Wayne Mitchem, North Carolina State University
Listed Herbicides for Use in Stone Fruit Orchards and Vineyards
Courtesy of Dr. Peter Dittmar, presented at 2011 Citra Field Day
Please use the most current Southeastern Peach, Nectarine and Plum Pest Management and Culture Guide [LINK] when making decisions on when and what to apply for weed control in stone fruit orchards.
In addition, be sure that you are calibrating your spray equipment properly. While small farms and orchards may be using backpack sprayers, large airblast sprayers are often used in larger orchards.
- Calibrating and Using Backpack Sprayers - Oregon State University
- Calibrating Airblast Sprayers - EDIS1435/AE238
- Managing Pesticide Drift - EDIS PI232
- Choosing a Nozzle Type [LINK] - Virginia Tech University
Recordkeeping is an essential activity when managing your orchard, and the Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services has provided a suggested Pesticide Recordkeeping Form [LINK]
- Florida Production Practices - EDIS HS 1109/348 [LINK]
This publication has information about production practices in Florida. - Weed Management in Peaches - EDIS HS 93/WG020
This document contains specific information regarding chemical weed control in peach orchards, with most information translatable to nectarines and plum orchards. Be sure to check that the herbicide is labeled for either nectarines and peaches. Always read and follow all label directions carefully when applying any type of herbicide or pesticide. - Weed Management in Nectarines - EDIS HS 92/WG019 [LINK]
- Weed Management in Plums - EDIS HS 96/WG023
Organic Production
- USDA Organic Resources
- Organic and Low-Spray Peach Production [LINK]
- Low Spray and Organic Plum Production [LINK]
- Tree Fruits: Organic Production Overview [LINK]