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Biochemical Genetics Lab

Biochemical Genetics Lab


  • 05/31/2024 - Makou gave a talk titled “A Forward Genetic Study Reveals the Significance of 5’UTR in Translation” at the PMCB Symposium
  • 05/15/2024 - Jeongim Kim was selected as one of the 25 inspiring women in plant biology from ASPB. Here is the post.
  • 04/15/2024 - Ethan presented his research titled “Understanding of metabolic branch points controlling lignin composition and lignan production” at the 6th UF Drug Discovery Symposium
  • 04/15/2024 - Max presented his research titled “Enhancement of bioactive compounds in Scutellaria through metabolic engineering” at the 6th UF Drug Discovery Symposium
  • 04/01/2024 - Aneth presented her research titled "Unveiling the Role of Mediator Subunit 5 in Tomato” at the UF undergraduate Research Symposium
  • 04/01/2024 - Doosan’s review paper “Aldoximes: compounds at the crossroads of multiple metabolic pathways in plants” is published in Phytochemistry Review
  • 03/07/2024 - Julia Ball and Ben Breuer were selected as USP 2024-2025 awardees.
  • 02/07/2024 - Ethan Tucker joined the lab after PMCB rotations.
  • 07/14/2023 - Doosan and Veronica’s paper is published in the Plant Journal.
  • 07/14/2023 - The lab has Ru’s last day party and Ru will start her new position at ICBR on July 20.
  • 06/01/2023 - Yooshin Koh and two SSTP high school students joined the lab.
  • 06/05/2023 - Jeongim Kim received the 2023 Excellence Award for Assistant Professors at the University of Florida.
  • 03/24/2023 - Haohao Zhao and Ethan Tucker received 2023 ASPB travel awards.
  • 03/02/2023 - Doosan Shin passed his Ph.D. Defense.
  • 02/01/2023 - Aneth Gastaneda-Garcia and Sarah Goldberg join the lab as research interns.
  • 07/05/2022 - Ethan Tucker joined the lab through UF/IFAS Undergraduate Research Internship Program.
  • 09/08/2022 - Jeongim Kim gave a seminar entitled " Metabolic Networks Linking Plant Growth and Stress Adaptation" at Purdue University.
  • 10/25/2022 - The AI research project " Dissecting genetic controls of plant root and shoot architecture using AI methods" has been selected for funding from UF/IFAS.
  • 10/27/2022 - Ken Cho's position will change to adjunct faculty starting Jan 2023.
  • 07/27/2022 - Doosan Shin (HOS Ph.D student) received the travel award and the best flash talk award from the 61st Phytochemical Society of North America annual meeting which was held at Virginia Tech from July 24-28, 2022.
  • 07/26/2022 - Jeongim Kim presented a talk entitled “Altered methionine metabolism impacts phenylpropanoid production and plant development in Arabidopsis thaliana” at the PSNA meeting.
  • 07/25/2022 - Doosan Shin presented a flash talk entitled “Functional characterization of tomato flavonoid 3-O-gycosyltransferases” at the PSNA meeting.
  • 06/24/2022 - Doosan Shin received a travel award from the Phytochemical Society of North America. He will present his research at the annual meeting of PSNA. Click here for more information about PSNA.
  • 06/23/2022 - Haohao Zhao passed her qualifying exam. Congratulations!
  • 05/11/2022 - Veronica and Ru's manuscript has been posted at BioRxiv. Click here for the manuscript.
  • 05/09/2022 - Makou Lin joined the lab. He will work as a research assistant until starting his Ph.D study in the PMCB program this fall. Welcome Makou!
  • 04/28/2022 - Veronica Perez earned her Ph.D on April 28 2022. Dr. Perez will start her new postdoc position at Cornell University in June 2022. We wish you the best of luck on your postdoc.
  • 03/01/2022 - Dr. Kim received the NSF CAREER award which will support our metabolic network project from 2022 to 2027. Check here for more information on Kim's NSF research.
  • 03/01/2022 - Dr. Ru Dai has been promoted to Biological Scientist II. Congratulations Ru!
  • 02/21/2022 - Dr. Keun Ho (Ken) Cho joined the lab as a research assistant. Welcome Ken!