April 2023 – December 2024


Breeding for Climate-Smart Coffee Cultivars

A coffee breeding program leaded by the University of Florida has potential to (i) leverage the research required to make the coffee industry more sustainable and (ii) support a local coffee production as an alternative crop for our growers and stakeholders. In this regard, this proposal will address the following specific questions: (i) can we grow coffee in the Florida region?; (ii) what genetic materials will be more adapted to our changing climatic conditions?; (iii) from the economic standpoint, what are the commercial and finance aspects related to coffee production as a new crop in Florida?; and (iv) how a modern breeding program can be established to guide future crosses and selections? Altogether, we anticipate that with modern breeding approaches, not only can we attend to farmer-focused traits, but that this project can move toward coffee selections for production in Florida, creating value for both farmers and consumers.

April 2023 – March 2025

Citrus Research and Development Foundation


Use of CRDF Rootstock Trial Locations for Testing Bactericides Inserted into Trees Through Systemic Delivery Devices

Fig 3 website

In 2020, Dr. Albrecht (UF/IFAS SWFREC) initiated a series of experiments using trunk injection to deliver oxytetracycline (OTC) to young and mature citrus trees and demonstrated significant reductions in fruit drop, significantly higher yields, and significantly better external and internal fruit quality. In October 2022, a 24(c) local special need label was approved that allows the use of trunk injection of OTC to manage HLB in Florida. The final clearance was given in January 2023. Despite the demonstrated positive effects associated with this technology, large-scale data of the benefits of OTC injections are still missing as are other details on best practices. The CRDF rootstock trials, established at SWFREC in 2015, provide an ideal opportunity to investigate, on a large-scale, the advantages or disadvantages of injection into the scion compared to injection into the rootstock while also examining differences among the different rootstock cultivars. These trials also provide an excellent opportunity to study fibrous root densities and if there are rootstock effects in response to the injection treatments.

July 2022 – Current
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


Field Study to re-Evaluate fertilization guidelines in HLB-Affected citrus

Fig 4 website

Current citrus nutrient guidelines are based on studies of healthy citrus trees conducted in the pre-Huanglongbing (HLB) era and may no longer be valid for the present situation where 100% of the citrus trees in Florida are HLB-affected. We propose to conduct research on different N and P rates for young and mature citrus species including sweet oranges, grapefruits, and mandarins. Our project will evaluate 4 rates of N namely 100, 150, 200 and 250 lbs of N per acre and 4 rates of P at 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 lbs of P2O5 per acre. These rates will address the objective of evaluating different levels of N and P in identifying the appropriate site-specific rate of N and P for HLB-affected citrus using site soil characteristics and production practices to determine if we need to increase/decrease the current guidelines for N (200 lbs/acre) or P2O5 (15 lbs/acre). Using fertigation and controlled release fertilizer (CRF) fertilization sources, we should be able to develop and provide site specific N and P guidelines for young and mature citrus trees of sweet oranges in central and southwest Florida, grapefruits in the Indian River district, and Satsuma mandarins in the north Florida.

September 2020 – August 2025

PI: Dr. Lorenzo Rossi (UF)

PD: Dr. Michelle Heck (USDA)

Therapeutic Molecule Evaluation and Field Delivery Pipeline for Solutions to HLB


Despite reports of potential therapeutics for HLB control, limitations to commercialization include: low efficacy, cost of production, cumbersome/expensive methods of delivery; and daunting regulatory hurdles. This proposal builds on previous NIFA and ECDRE grant results of therapeutic molecule discover to: 1) establish an HLB-therapeutic molecule evaluation pipeline that leads to in-field evaluation and identification of the most cost-effective strategy to deliver these molecules to growers; 2) advance therapeutic strategies to field tests/commercial evaluation/regulatory approval. The focus is to rapidly move to whole plant performance and an economics-of-delivery evaluation (molecule + delivery method). A systems approach is presented involving expertise in diverse and complimentary disciplines, from synthetic and molecular biology to agricultural engineering, extension, agrichemical/biopesticide regulatory approval and commercialization. Field trials using three separate delivery methods will be conducted, including using two novel delivery methods invented and patented by our team. We propose a series of extension and education initiatives that involve land grant universities in multiple citrus growing states, Cornell University and Indian River State College in Florida. We are requesting Center of Excellence designation because our technology has the potential to transform rural agriculture, advances technologies for protein production beyond control of citrus greening to diseases in other crops, humans and other animals, coordinates activities across several national citrus greening research programs and will include community participation in evaluation of HLB therapeutics. This is an ambitious and aggressive proposal, but the scientists forming the team have strong track records and many represent international authorities in their areas of research.

October 2023 – September 2028


Improving Sustainable Horticultural Practices through Better Management of Root and Rhizosphere Health

Optimizing Root and Rhizophere Dynamics

The major goal of this project is to increase yield and quality of horticultural crop commodities by developing sustainable, environmentally sound, and effective management practices that improve and restore plant, root, and rhizosphere health. This project proposal aims to achieve this goal by: