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Plant And Root Biology Lab

Plant And Root Biology Lab


Our laboratory delivers oral and poster presentations at local, national, and international conferences, and develops and provides extension outreach via seminars and field days to students and growers.

  • Conference Talks

    Authors in bold are/were members of the Plant and Root Biology Laboratory.

    1. Buzzi, G.; Mattia, M.R.; Rossi, L. 2024. Effects of oxytetracycline trunk injections on tree health of different HLB-affected citrus accessions. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    2. Price-Baker, T.L.; Paoli, J.P.; Fox, J.P.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Avery, P.B.; Rossi, L. 2024. Endophytic potential of Beauveria bassiana in ‘Valencia’ sweet orange trees grafted on US-942 rootstock. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    3. Beany, A.H.; Fox, J.-P.; Kadyampakeni, D.M.; Garcia, M.O.; Guzmán, S.M.; Bolques, A.; Rossi, L. 2024. Evaluating olives as an alternative fruit crop for Florida. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    4. Hussain, K.; Fox, J.-P.; Rossi, L. 2024. Salinity tolerance in olive tree cultivars ‘Oliana’ and ‘Lecciana’. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    5. Rossi, L.; Hallman, L.M.; Fox, J.-P.; Alan L. Wright. 2024. Impact of cover cropping on soil and tree parameters in citrus groves affected by citrus greening: a field study in the Indian River regions of Florida. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    6. Paoli, J.P.; Avery, P.B.; Ritenour, M.A.; Cano, L.M.; Rossi, L. 2024. The Historical Utility and Research of Entomopathogenic Fungi in Floridian Citriculture, 1885-2024. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    7. Clavijo-Herrera, J.; Chaparro, J.X.; Rossi, L.; Sarkhosh, A. Performance of Juvenile Low-chill ‘UFSun’ Peach Scions graft-ed on Low-, Medium-, and High-chill Requirement Rootstocks in Central Florida. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    8. Locatelli, G.; Larson, N.R.; Cochrane, E.; Niedz, R.P.; Heck, M.L.; Rossi, L. 2024. Grove-First: A Novel Approach to Field Testing Molecules for the Treatment of Citrus Greening. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL

    9. Alcon-Bou, N.; Guzman, S.M.; Rossi, L. Response of Grapefruit Trees to Reclaimed Water as Alternative to Groundwater Irrigation in Florida. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    10. Hallman, L.M.; Fox, J.-P.; Beany, A.H.; Wright, A.L.; Rossi, L. 2024. Cover Crops for the Indian River Citrus District: Selection of Leguminosae Species Based on Biomass and Root Nodulation. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June 6-8, Orlando, FL
    11. Rossi, L. 2023. Invited oral. Improving sustainable horticultural practices through better management of root and rhizosphere health. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    12. Rossi, L.; Hallman, L.M.; Santiago, J.M. 2023. Submitted oral. Effects of natural amendments and cultural practices on HLB-affected citrus root and rhizosphere microbiome. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    13. Hallman, L.M.; Wright, A.L.; Rossi, L. 2023. Submitted poster. Soil nutrient contents of raised citrus beds after 1.5 years of cover cropping in Florida’s Indian River District. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    14. Alcon-Bou, N.; Guzman, S.M.; van Santen, E.; Rossi, L. 2023. Submitted oral. Response of grapefruit cultivars to reclaimed water as alternative to groundwater during dry season in Florida. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    15. Clavijo-Herrera, L.J.; Chaparro, J.X.; Rossi, L.; Sarkhosh, A. 2023. Submitted oral. Influence of low-, medium-, and high-chill requirement rootstocks on the physiological performance of mature low-chill peach scion ‘UFsun.’ Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    16. Locatelli, G.; Fox, J.-P.; Alcon-Bou, N.; Santiago, J.M.; Boyle, A.E.; Hallman, L.M.; Rossi, L. 2023. Submitted poster. Plant sap analysis as a tool to optimize fertilizer applications for sustainable citrus production under HLB disease. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 31-August 4, 2023, Orlando, FL.
    17. Rossi, L.; Santiago, J.M.; Hallman, L.M.; 2023. Submitted oral. Oak mulch to increase citrus groves soil health: conclusions from a 3-year study. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 10-13, 2023, Daytona Beach, FL.
    18. Rossi, L.; Hallman, L.M.; 2023. Submitted oral. Cover crop studies in citrus groves: a renewed interest in a century old soil management practice. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 10-13, 2023, Daytona Beach, FL.
    19. Alcon-Bou, N.; van Santen, E.; Guzman, S.M.; Rossi, L. 2023. Submitted oral. Interactions of four citrus scion/rootstock combinations in response to salinity stress. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 10-13, 2023, Daytona Beach, FL.
    20. Locatelli, G.; Fox, J.-P.; Alcon-Bou, N.; Santiago, J.M.; Boyle, A.E.; Hallman, L.M.; Rossi, L. 2023. Submitted oral. Plant sap analysis as a tool to optimize fertilizer applications for sustainable citrus production under HLB disease. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 10-13, 2023, Daytona Beach, FL.
    21. Rossi, L.; Fox, J.P.; Santiago, J.M.; Hallman, L.M. 2022. Sustainable horticultural practices to increase soil health and prolong lifespan of HLB-affected citrus trees grown in the Florida Indian River district. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the International Society for Citrus Huanglongbing and Phloem-Colonizing Bacterial Pathosystems (IS-CHPP). October 25-28, 2022, Clearwater, FL
    22. Locatelli, G.; Fox, J.P.; Alcon-Bou, N.; Santiago, J.M.; Hallman, L.M.; Rossi, L. Plant sap analysis as a tool to optimize fertilizer applications for sustainable citrus production under HLB disease. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the International Society for Citrus Huanglongbing and Phloem-Colonizing Bacterial Pathosystems (IS-CHPP). October 25-28, 2022, Clearwater, FL
    23. Hallman, L.M.; Santiago, J.M.; Rossi, L. 2022. Sustainable soil management practices for Florida Indian River grapefruit production under citrus greening. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    24. Shafqat, W.; Ferrarezi, R.S.; Rossi, L.; Kadyampakeni, D.M.; Morgan, K.; Ritenour, M.A.; Wright, A.L. 2022. High density planting and enhanced nutrition for HLB-affected grapefruit. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    25. Clavijo-Herrera, L.J.; Rossi, L.; Sarkhosh, A. 2022. Different rootstocks influenced chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the low-chill peach scion ‘UFsun’. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    26. Santiago, J.M.; Hallman. L.M.; Rossi, L. Impacts of oak mulch amendments on rhizosphere microbiome of sweet orange trees grown in Florida flatwood soils. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    27. Locatelli, G.; Rossi, L.; Pitino, M.; Zagorski, P.; Heck, M.L.; Shatters, R.G. 2022 Symbiont: A novel system to deliver therapeutic compounds to HLB-affected citrus trees. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    28. Hallman, L.M.; Wright, A.L.; Rossi, L. 2022. Cover crops to increase soil quality for Florida citrus production in the Indian River District. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    29. Zapien-Macias, J.M.; Castle, W.S.; Gmitter, F.G.; Grosser, J.W.; Ferrarezi, R.S.; Rossi, L. Field evaluation of the early performance of grapefruit, navel orange, and mandarin scions on a broad range of rootstocks in the Indian River District. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    30. Alcon-Bou, N.; Guzman, S.M.; Rossi, L. Effect of soil salinity on growth and anatomy of grapefruits cultivars grafted on ‘US-942’ and ‘US-802’ rootstocks. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science, July 30-August 3, 2022, Chicago, IL.
    31. Hallman, L.M.; Kadyampakeni, D.M.; Wright, A.L.; Ritenour, M.A.; Rossi L. Indian River grapefruit production in the age of Huanglongbing: current status, challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    32. Arnoldi, M.; Muschweck, L.; Duren, E.B.; Avery, P.B.; Rossi, L. Methods to inoculate citrus rootstocks with Beauveria bassiana as an entomopathogenic fungal endophyte. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    33. Zapien-Macias, J.M.; Castle, W.S.; Gmitter, F.G.; Grosser, J.W.; Ferrarezi, R.S.; Rossi, L. The UF/IFAS IRREC Millennium Grove: A comprehensive field evaluation of grapefruit cultivars in the Indian River District. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    34. Hallman, L.M.; Kadyampakeni, D.M.; Wright, A.L.; Rossi, L. 2022. Boron, iron, manganese and zinc allocation in above and below ground components on HLB-affected grapefruit trees. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    35. Locatelli, G., Rossi, L.; Pitino, M.; Zagorski, P.; Heck, M.L.; Shatters, R.G. 2022 Using a symbiont strategy to produce and deliver therapeutic molecules to fight Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    36. Santiago, J.M.; Fox, J.P.; Guzman, S.M.; Rossi, L. Effect of fabric mulch ground covers on lemon trees rhizosphere microbiome in Florida Indian River flatwood soils. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    37. Alcon-Bou, N.; John, G.; Guzman, S.M.; Albrecht, U.; Rossi, L. Revealing root and stem morphological and anatomical traits of Florida grapefruit cultivars grafted on US-942 and US-802. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 5-7, 2022, Sarasota, FL.
    38. Santiago, J.M., Kadyampakeni, D.M., Rossi, L. 2022. Rhizosphere microbiome of grapefruit grown in Florida flatwood soils. Proceedings of the Southern Region ASHS Annual Conference, February 11-13, 2022, New Orleans, LA.
    39. Hallman, L.M., Kadyampakeni D.M., Wright, A.L., Johnson, E.G., Rossi L. 2022. Micronutrient distribution in various organs of HLB-affected grapefruit grown on Florida flatwood soils. Proceedings of the Southern Region ASHS Annual Conference, February 11-13, 2022, New Orleans, LA.
    40. Rossi, L., Santiago, J.M., Hallman, L.M. 2022. Soil management practices for Indian River grapefruit production under citrus greening. Proceedings of the Southern Region ASHS Annual Conference, February 11-13, 2022, New Orleans, LA.
    41. Clavijo-Herrera, L.J., Rossi, L., Sarkhosh, A. 2022.  Influence of rootstock on leaf nutrient content in young low-chill peaches under subtropical climate. Proceedings of the Southern Region ASHS Annual Conference, February 11-13, 2022, New Orleans, LA.
    42. Santiago, J.M., Guzman, S.M., Kadyampakeni D.M., Williamson, J.G., Sargent, S.A., Ferrarezi, R.S., Rossi, L. 2021. Effects of Fertilizer Inputs on Grapefruit Root Health. Proceedings of the FSHS Annual Meeting, September 26-28, 2021, Daytona Beach, FL.
    43. Chinyukwi, T., Johnson E.G., Rossi L., Kadyampakeni D.M. 2022. Evaluation of varied fertilization rates on root growth and distribution of HLB-affected Valencia orange trees. Proceedings of the FSHS Annual Meeting, September 26-28, 2021, Daytona Beach, FL.
    44. Clavijo-Herrera L.J., Rossi L., Sarkhosh A. 2021. Influence of rootstocks on the physiological performance of the low-chill peach scion ‘UFsun’ growing in a subtropical climate. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2021, Denver, CO
    45. Lesmes-Vesga R.A., Chaparro J.X., Rossi L. 2021. Root system architecture analysis of three different peach backcrosses for rootstock characterization. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2021, Denver, CO
    46. Santiago J.M., Guzman S.M., Kadyampakeni D.M., Williamson J.G., Sargent S.A., Ferrarezi R.S., Rossi L. 2021. Effects of fertilizer inputs on grapefruit root health. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2021, Denver, CO
    47. Hallman L.M., Kadyampakeni D.M., Wright A.L., Johnson E.J., Ferrarezi R.S., Rossi L. 2021. Root growth and micro-nutrient uptake in HLB-affected grapefruit on Florida Flatwood soils. Proceedings of the FSHS Annual Meeting, September 26-28, 2021, Daytona Beach, FL
    48. Hallman L.M., Shatters R.G., Dorado C., Rossi L. 2021. Oak mulch applications improved soil characteristics in an HLB-affected citrus grove. Proceedings of the FSHS Annual Meeting, September 26-28, 2021, Daytona Beach, FL
    49. Hallman L.M., Shatters R.G., Dorado C., Rossi L. 2021. Impact of oak mulch on Florida Flatwoods soil characteristics and nutrient uptake of HLB-affected citrus. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2021, Denver, CO
    50. Hallman L., Rossi L., Shatters R., Dorado C., Cano L. and Pitino M. 2020. Effect of Oak Mulch on HLB-Affected Citrus and Florida Flatwood Soil Nutrient Contents. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
    51. Hallman L., Ferrarezi R., Kadyampakeni D., Wright A., Lange J., Johnson E., Rossi L. 2020. Micronutrient Uptake and Root Growth and Development in HLB-Affected Grapefruit on Florida Flatwoods Soils, Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
    52. Hallman L., Rossi L. 2020. Citrus Root Development Under Different Nutrient Levels. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
    53. Pisani C., Rossi L. 2020 Effects of Foliar Applications of Zinc and Nickel Nano-Fertilizers Vs Conventional Fertilizers on Plant Physiology in Pecan [Carya Illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] Cvs. ‘Zinner’ and ‘Byrd’. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
    54. Lesmes-Vesga R., Chaparro J., Rossi L., 2020. Effect of Different Rooting Systems and K-Iba Concentrations on Vegetative Propagation of Peach Rootstocks. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
    55. Clavijo-Herrera J., Rossi L., Shahid M., Sarkhosh A. 2020. Effects of Silicon Supply on Peach Seedlings Under Hypoxic Conditions. Proceedings of the ASHS Annual Conference, Aug. 10-13, 2020 Orlando, FL
  • Seminars, Lectures, Extension Talks, and Trade Magazines

    Authors in bold are/were members of the Plant and Root Biology Laboratory.


    1. Niedz, R.P.; Locatelli, G.; Larson, N.; Rossi, L.Cochrane, E.; Heck, M. Starting in the grove to find new HLB therapies. Citrus Industry trade magazine. January 2024.
    2. Kadyampakeni, D.; Rossi, L.; Wright, A. Root nutrient and fertilization guidelines for HLB-affected trees. Citrus Industry trade magazine. December 2023.
    3. Rossi, L. Oak mulch can improve Florida flatwood soils. Citrus Industry trade magazine. January 2023.
    4. Guzman, S.M.; Duncan, L.; Santiago, J.M.; Rossi, L. Ground covers promote water-use efficiency and pest management. Citrus Industry trade magazine. December 2022.
    5. Rossi, L.; Hallman L.M. Display of mulched soil samples at the Citrus Expo, Fort Myers, FL, August 2022
    6. Hallman, L.M.; Rossi, L. 2022. Invited extension talk on “Applications of Oak Mulch to Improve Soil Health in a HLB-affected Citrus Grove”. January 2022. Florida Citrus Show, Fort Pierce, FL.
    7. Rossi, L.; Hallman, L.M. 2022. Invited extension talk on “Effects of micronutrients on HLB-affected grapefruit trees”. January 2022. Florida Citrus Show, Fort Pierce, FL.
    8. Rossi L. (Apr. 2021) Invited Extension talk on “Measuring root traits to enhance Florida peach production” UF/IFAS Virtual Stone Fruit Field Day, April 2021.
    9. Rossi L. (Apr. 2021) Invited Seminar on “Environmentally friendly approaches to fight citrus greening (HLB) in Florida”, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
    10. Rossi L. (Apr. 2021) Invited talk on: “Status of the citrus industry in the Indian River district”. South Florida Water Management District.
    11. Hallman L.M., Rossi L., (Mar. 2021) Citrus greening and oak. UF/IFAS Extension Field Day, March 25 2021, De Leon Springs, FL.
    12. Rossi L. (Nov. 2020) Invited seminar on “Status of Huanglongbing (HLB) outbreaks in Florida”. Lunch n Learn Series – Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, FL.
    13. Rossi L. (Aug. 2020) Extension talk on “Natural compounds to help in the fight against HLB” 2020 Citrus Expo, Ft. Myers, FL.
    14. Rossi L. (Jan. 2020) Extension talk on “Studying root growth and development in Indian River grapefruits” 2020 Florida Citrus Show, Ft. Pierce, FL.
    15. Rossi L. (Oct. 2019) Lecture on “Interactions between plants and nanoparticles: new opportunities and challenges”, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
    16. Rossi L. (Oct. 2019) Lecture on “Rooting for the future: optimizing root and rhizosphere dynamics for sustainable production systems”, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Citrus Center, Weslaco, TX.
    17. Rossi L. (Jan. 2019) Extension talk on “Where are we with the citrus root biology research?”, 2019 Florida Citrus Show, Ft. Pierce, FL.
    18. Rossi L. (Oct. 2018) Lecture on “Rooting for the future: optimizing root and rhizosphere dynamics for sustainable production systems”, University of Florida, IFAS, TREC, Homestead, FL.
    19. Rossi L. (Aug. 2017) Lecture on “Interactions between plants and contaminants: new challenges and perspectives”, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO.
    20. Rossi L. (Apr. 2017) Lecture on “Interactions between plant roots and environmental stresses: new challenges in a changing world”, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
    21. Rossi L. (Apr. 2017) Lecture on “Engineering nanoparticles and the environment: novel approaches and discoveries”, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO.
    22. Rossi L. (Mar. 2017) Lecture on “Eco-physiology for a changing world” University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO.
    23. Rossi L. (Feb. 2017) Lecture on “Making the most out of your plants: novel approaches to detect and increase medicinal compounds”, Central State University, Willberforce, OH.
    24. Rossi L. (July 2016) Lecture on “Fruit tree’s reaction to abiotic stresses: innovative physiological & biochemical approaches: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
    25. Rossi L. (July 2016) Lecture on “New evidences in Mediterranean fruit tree’s reaction to environmental stresses”, California State University, Fresno, CA.
    26. Rossi L. (Aug. 2015) Lecture on “Tree fruit crops’ reaction to abiotic stresses” Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN.