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Plant And Root Biology Lab

Plant And Root Biology Lab


Welcome to our laboratory! We focus on the critical but understudied aspects of root structure, function, and rhizosphere interactions in tree crops. This is especially important in Florida, where poor soil fertility and organic matter pose challenges to sustainable fruit production. Citrus growers also face the added threat of citrus greening (HLB, huanglongbing), which negatively affects roots and currently has no cure. Our mission is to boost yield and quality in horticultural tree crops through sustainable management practices that enhance plant, root, and rhizosphere health. 


Our laboratory’s long-term goal is to enhance sustainable agricultural practices, especially for citrus, by developing research and teaching tools to monitor plant and root health and structure. Our work aims to create healthy agroecosystems, profitable agriculture, and food security, benefiting communities locally and globally. 

Our research focuses on increasing yield and quality of horticultural tree crops by: 

  • Developing new nutritional guidelines for HLB-affected citrus. 
  • Implementing practices to reduce agricultural inputs and improve plant, root and soil health (e.g., oak mulch, cover crops, fabric mulch). 
  • Improving root system architecture of fruit tree rootstocks for various Florida soils (in collaboration with plant breeders). 
  • Identifying the impact of abiotic stresses (salinity, heavy metals, emerging pollutants) on plant physiology, rhizosphere dynamics and root health. 
  • Assessing the potential of alternative crops for Florida’s agriculture (e.g., peach, olive, etc.).